Spirit dolls ...
... have been created and beloved in countless cultures around the world since ancient times.
Sometimes a spirit doll is made in honor of a specific place that holds meaning for the maker, or to honor a certain season or holy day. You might want to honor the Crone, the Wise Old Woman, as the season of All Hallows approaches, and get in touch with your inner Wise Woman at the same time. You might want to honor one of your ancestors, as we approach the time when we remember our Beloved Dead. Or perhaps you love the sea, and you want to make a doll that expresses how you feel about Mama Ocean. You might want the doll to embody the Full Moon (or the Dark or the New). Maybe you need a Wild Woman doll to shake a few things loose in your life!
Joanna Powell Colbert is leading this very special Spirit Doll Workshop on October 20. Karen Karlovich will be joining her. The workshop will provide an abundance of materials, unique adornments and special equipment that you will need to create a spirit doll of your own. Benefit from their extensive experience - Joanna and Karen will be available to help with inspiration and assembly.
Joanna generously shares a gift with you: a guide to making your own spirit doll. It is free to download and share.